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Friday, August 5, 2011

Utila Update

Hello everyone! Just wanted to say hi and let you know that we are still doing good here on the island. We finished our advanced course in diving earlier this week. On our night dive we saw an Octopus, three types of Rays, squid, lobsters, conches and many other fish. Amber overcame the fear and we both dove in the dark with flashlights. We are now advanced divers! That means that we can now go down to 100ft below the surface. Now we are waiting to do our last two dives after we get over this little cold that the both of us have. It has been going around the island and we have been trying to get better for three days now. Luckily we have our own place so we can relax and recoup here. Yesterday Amber was able to make a cake for our friends Dave's 30th birthday, it was so yummy and she got to share it with like 12 people! We all went out to dinner and had some delicious enchiladas. They were fried and had a garlic cream sauce. Different, yet so good!!!!!! So today we are going to swim a little at the shop and sun-bathe, but other than that we are trying to take it easy to get better by the weekend. The Sunjam festival is this weekend, but it is way to expensive for our budget for one day ($50), so we are just going to the beach party here on the island and seeing the local DJ's. Okay time to chill, we both just sneezed at the same time. Its so hard to be sick on vacation, plus it is so freakin' hot! Like 90 degrees everyday. So time to go to the ocean for awhile. Oh yeah we have discovered Baliadas, like a quesadilla with veggies and a local sauce and meat. Oh man they are good, filling and ony $1.50. Okay heres a couple more pictures. Hope that you all are good.

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